28 paź 11
"My Mars Bar Movie" Jonasa Mekasa na Greenpoint Film Festival

Jonas Mekas zaprasza do Nowego Jorku na projekcję swojego najnowszego filmu My Mars Bar Movie, prezentowanego w ramach Greenpoint Film Festival.


My friends!

I am happy to announce that my latest feature film, My Mars Bar Movie, will be premiered at the first annual Greenpoint Film Festival, October 27-30.

For some twenty years Mars Bar, corner First Street and Second Avenue, Manhattan, has been my bar. That's where we went for beer and tequila whenever we had to take a break from our work at Anthology Film Archives, and it was also a bar where most of those who came to see movies at Anthology ended up after the shows. We always had a great time at Mars Bar. It was always open, there was always the juke box, and very often there was no electricity, and it was old and messy and it didn't want to be any other way -- it was the last escape place left in downtown New York. So this is my love letter to it, to my Mars Bar. Mars Bar as I knew it.



87 min, 2011, video

Program Greenpoint Film Festival

Jonas Mekas: The acclaimed filmmaker still remains a “local boy” (Greenpoint Star)


W sekcji On the Edge 2. AFF znalazł się jego film Opowieści z bezsennych nocy.

Moje AFF
Strona archiwalna 6. edycji (2015 rok)
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